Service | ZEEN audit | Application

“Everyday Perfect Execution”
ZEEN Audit is a disruptive solution for FMCG company to ensure the sales team execution at retail store. With our cutting edge AI technology, ZEEN audits, monitors and collects data inside any retail stores that your team visit in real-time.
ZEEN Audit application allows auditors and salesmen to audit the merchandising in a store with any IOS or Andriod device mobile device.
Just take a photo, our AI will do the rest for you!
Assembling, tracking and real-time data. No worry
about inaccuracy because our AI technology works
with 95% accuracy.

Let’s see how ZEEN Audit works
FEATURES that our users love
ZEEN Audit offers more than 100 different features to help your team works easier, smarter, and collect more data than ever. We are not only focused on real-time auditing, but also on automatically collecting data inside stores and displaying them so you can sell strategically.

Configurable Questions
The audit questions can be monthly customized by the management team including how the photoes should be taken by the team.
Auto Answer AI
Our AI can automatically audit each question
with more than 95% accuracy and without any bias in realtime.

Our AI can count and verify the existence and location of POP/POSM.
Why ZEEN Audit
Support Training
We will work closely with your team to configure and personalize the ZEEN Audit application. Before going live, our experts will provide training. Furthermore, salespeople and auditors may report problems or request assistance directly through the app,. Our ZEEN support team is always happy to help.

Let’s Empower Your
Retail Audit Ability
Within a Glance.